  • 1058 Fifth Avenue, Jonesboro GA 30236
  • Phone: (770) 473-2700 | Fax: (770) 473-2706
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Curriculum Strands

Communication Skills
Activities designed to develop students' ability to communicate ideas, thoughts, opinions and understanding of subject matter. The primary focus is the development of verbal and written communication skills; however, the role of non-verbal cues/signals in communication is also included.

Creative Thinking Skills
Activities designed to develop students' ability to produce original ideas, solutions, and thoughts. The primary focus is the development of basic divergent thinking skills - fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.

Groups Dynamics
Activities that emphasize students’ performance and interactions as group members.

Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Skills
Activities that involve recognizing/formulating problems or situations, exploring and evaluating multiple solutions according to identified criteria, and proposing/documenting conclusions that can be tested and replicated.

Research Skills
Activities designed to develop the students ability to locate, evaluate, and use information and resources. The primary focus is to enable students to become independent, life-long learners.

Activities that develop an awareness/acceptance of the uniqueness and value of self and others.

Career Education (grades 6-12)
Activities focus on individual strengths/weaknesses, interests, and learning styles as related to career opportunities. In addition, goal setting and decision making skills are included. Guest speakers and field trips or distance learning opportunities are an important part of this component.

Instructional Approaches
Independent Study: An individualized or small group investigation that allows students to process information and create products in areas of interest.

Mini-courses: Topical units of study designed to activate dormant minds and satisfy the inquisitiveness of others. These comprehensive study units are selected by students or teachers based on interest or identified need and include activities as described above.