  • 1058 Fifth Avenue, Jonesboro, GA 30236
  • Phone: 770-473-2747 | Fax: 770-603-5765
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Blue Choice

The CCPS Compensation Department within the Division of Business Services determines the correct compensation for all new CCPS employees and is charged with certifying that all other employees are compensated correctly. 

The Compensation Department calculates, updates, and maintains each of the annual salary scales, workday calendars, and daily rates for all employees on both teacher scales and grade scales. 

The Compensation Department is also accountable for placing employees correctly on the appropriate salary scale based on a number of factors including whether experience is granted for the given position, how experience is granted for the given position, and when job change status occurs (promotion, administrative reassignment/transfer, involuntary demotion, or voluntary demotion). 

Finally, the Compensation Department is responsible for delivering excellent customer service to all stakeholders, accurately and timely addressing the needs of more than 7,000 CCPS employees.

Compensation Team

Coordinating Supervisor of Compensation  Mona Wesley

 Compensation Technician III  Terry Crisp
 Divisions & Departments
 Compensation Technician III  Sheameka Jackson
 Clusters A & C
 Compensation Technician III Vacant: See Technicians above
 Clusters B & D