Dear Gear Up School Partners Leaders:
Clayton County School District is a valued partner in the Georgia Gear Up project. The support provided by Gear Up includes professional development of the 8th grade science and mathematics teachers in your district. Some of your teachers attended the Gear Up Summer Workshop held at Georgia Southern University in June 2017. We are making a special invite to all of the 8th grade STEM teachers in your district to join us for our fall professional development workshop. We have some exciting professional development opportunities to support your teachers implementation of authentic teaching, incorporating interdisciplinary STEM, building collaborations with STEM experts, and improving your students STEM reasoning abilities.
We invite your teachers to join us for our Gear Up Virtual PD Workshop beginning Sept. 5 and running through Oct. 14. The workshop will provide support for authentic teaching and learning module creation and implementation, including examples of modules completed using the lesson design framework we shared this summer. It is FREE and all online, so you can participate from your school or home. The attached workshop syllabus provides details. All the teachers need to do is email
[email protected] and say they want to participate in the workshop by the registration deadline of Sept. 1, 2017.
We want to develop Professional Learning Communities (PLC) of 3 to 4 teachers at your schools which include at least one science and one mathematics teacher. We encourage you to recruit teachers to create a PLC to participate in the Gear Up Workshop. An interdisciplinary STEM PLC is a powerful tool for change. So while a PLC is not required for teachers to participate in the workshop, we hope you will work towards developing PLCs.
If teachers complete at least 80% of the workshop tasks, we will come to observe their classroom and provide additional mentoring. The Gear Up Class Observation would take place in Fall 2017 sometime in September through November. This allows an opportunity for us to better understand the dynamics in their classrooms and if scheduling allows to observe them implement an authentic interdisciplinary STEM lesson which is culturally relevant. I hope that you assist us in actively recruiting teachers to participate in the workshop.
Dr. Lacey Huffling
Gear UP Virtual Workshop Syllabus