GEAR UP Clayton began tutorial for cohort students in need of additional support in English/Language Arts, math, science and social studies. Tutorial initially began with English/Language Arts and math; however, was expanded to include social studies and science at the request of the middle schools, parents and students. The tutorial sessions supported students through reteaching difficult standards and providing assistance with homework completion. All GEAR UP 8th grade cohort students are served through tutorial, inclusive of Students with Disabilities.
In addition to providing academic support for cohort students, GEAR UP Clayton continued its efforts to ensure 8th grade cohort students participated in activities designed to increase college awareness. The activities included the following:
- College Tours
- College Week
- Classroom Guidance
- Financial Aid
- HOPE Scholarship & HOPE Grant
- Scholarships
- Dual Enrollment
The Scholarship Academy Presentation
GEAR UP Georgia is preparing to meet with high school principals in Clayton and DeKalb Public School Systems. The purpose of the meeting is to provide high school principals with information on the history, goals, and services of the GEAR UP grant and its efforts to support student success. GEAR UP Georgia selected the first week in December to meet with high school principals. Upon approval from Dr. Simpson, the date will be provided to GEAR UP Georgia. GEAR UP Georgia will provide a meeting location that’s convenient for the principals from Clayton and DeKalb Public School Systems. If approved, the meeting will last for ninety minutes.
GEAR UP Clayton continues to exceed other participating school systems through its effort to provide activities aligned to the purpose and goals of the grant. As the second semester of the school year approaches, GEAR UP Clayton will begin activities to support current 8th grade cohort students as they transition to 9th grade.