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The Role of High School Counselors

                                High School                                  

High school counselors define and focus the school counseling program based on the school’s academic, attendance, and discipline data. Identifying student needs through this data and consulting with administrators guides program development. High school counselors provide equitable and appropriate services by addressing students’ academic, career, and social/emotional developmental needs in addition to balancing delivery methods, recognizing students learn in multiple ways. The end result of this work is reflected in improvement in academic, attendance, and discipline outcomes related to academic development, college and career readiness, and social/ emotional development. 

The ASCA National Model provides a flexible framework high school counselors use to develop a program designed to meet their students’ unique needs. The delivery of these services includes:

Direct Student Services:

Instruction – teaching the school counseling curriculum to students focused through the lens of selected student standards from the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success.
Appraisal and Advisement – assessing student abilities, interests, and achievements to help them make decisions about their future.
Counseling – providing professional assistance and support to a student or small group of students during times of transition, heightened stress, critical change, or other situations impeding student success.

High school counselors do not provide therapy or long-term counseling in schools; however, school counselors are prepared to recognize and respond to student mental health needs and to assist students and families seeking resources.

Indirect Student Services:

Consultation – share strategies supporting student achievement with parents, teachers, other educators, and community organizations
Collaboration – work with other educators, parents, and the community to support student achievement
Referrals – support for students and families to school or community resources for additional assistance and information

The work of high school counselors aligns with the school’s mission to support all students’ academic achievement as they prepare for the ever-changing world of the 21st century. This alignment is accomplished through the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a school counseling program.