REMINDER: Free Summer Learning Supplies Available for Grades K-8 | June 24 & June 26
Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS) is proud to offer free summer learning supplies for grades K-8 to encourage students to learn beyond the classroom. SummerT.I.M.E. is a series of summer learning experiences designed to allow students the opportunity to participate in positive learning and engage in various fun-filled Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities. The Department of Federal Programs is providing free resources to students in grades K-8. These at-home engaging learning experiences will help develop skills colleges and employers are currently looking for in STEM literate individuals, such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, innovation, and systematic problem-solving. In addition, students will receive resources carefully selected to support bridging any learning gaps due to recent school closures and minimize the summer slide. Summer learning resources will be distributed at select locations on Wednesday, June 24th and Friday, June 26th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Please Note: The following information will be required upon arrival to receive free resources: Student Name, Student ID Number, School, and Grade Level. Items are only available for registered students of Clayton County Public Schools.